Colditz, son of a former inmate

The castle is a 20-25 min walk from the Waldbad campsite, through the woods that were a game reserve in bygone years, The extended tour was 2 hours, were took 3 hours thanks to the very helpful lady who was our tour guide. Our tour was made all the more interesting as we were joined by the son of of Tony Rolt, the man who’s idea led to the building of the famous Colditz glider. The very large castle is dominated by its history as a WWII POW camp, with only a scant mention of its other history, regardless of this its a worthwhile tour for 18 Euros each.
The picture is of the courtyard that the prisoners used.

I was persuade to try and get back into the castle through one of the escape routes, I was told free beer was available inside. THEY LIED

Flying a glider covered in bed linen using porridge as dope, REALLY.

The town of Colditz is well look after and quiet, I was expecting it to be much busier. Spend the afternoon drinking excellent German beer and relaxing.
Poland tomorrow.
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