
There can’t be many people that don’t recognise the name Auschwitz, which is in fact a small town in Poland. Most of us will immediately associate the name with a WWII Concentration and Death Camp.
The tour guide threw statistics and numbers at me that were very difficult to take in, it was particularly difficult to comprehend how so much suffering could be inflicted on humans by fellow humans. Humans have a long history of Genocide and mass killing, which for some unfortunate people is continuing today. What makes Auschwitz so different is that this was relegated to a process, killing on an industrial scale, seeking more efficient methods and then recycling the waste, peoples remains and their possessions.
If you intend to visit this memorial pay the £10.00 and get the guided tour, Anna was the guide for the group I joined, a lady with a degree in Anthropology and a passion to share her knowledge with the group.
The tours start from10.00am, I stayed in a hotel opposite the museum entrance and joined the queue at the ticket office before 7.30am to get my ticket for a 10.15 tour.

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