Goodbye Bulgaria, hello Greece

Yesterday I left Bulgaria and arrived in Greece. I was greeted with a smile at both the Bulgarian and the Greek border posts which always makes the day seem better. I was heading to the town Serres and planned to arrive at lunch time so I could have a relaxing afternoon in the sun. Once I crossed the border I found some really twisty mountain roads with no signs of other vehicles for miles. Unfortunate this meant there were several shepherds with their flock and packs of big guard dogs, as they rushed at me from both sides barking and snarling I was not consoled by the thought that they are just doing their job, guarding the sheep.
A great days riding (apart from the dogs) in wonderful weather.
Serres is a surprising town with a busy bustle about it, it was a busy Friday evening with people sat outside bars and restaurants enjoying the end of a working week.

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