
Dave Frankish asked for a map of the days route, this prompted me to take a screen shot from my Satnav, I have also amended yesterdays post with a map.
Today I headed to Kastoria. The last time I travelled this way was on a trip to Eastern Turkey in 2012, back then Greece was a different place, there were a lot of empty properties and partly completed buildings on abandoned construction sites. Many places paricularly fuel stations would only accept cash, credit cards were not welcome, in general the people displayed a lack of confident.
Today it feels different, there are less empty buildings and abandoned construction sites, the people look happier, good for them.
I stopped in a small village at lunch time and had a memorable hour talking to the families that were enjoying a Saturday lunch and wanted to know all about where I was from and my travels.

The lake at Kastoria is a perfect place to relax, drink a cold beer and watch the world go by.

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