First Day

Chiang Mai to Phrao (103 miles)

This is most of todays route, I forgot to turn the tracker on until I had done a few miles so its not the entire days riding.

Wolf’s, who owns and runs Thai Enduro tours, arranged for his wife to pick me up at the hotel in Chiang Mai. I arrived at his house to meet my 4 fellow travellers, 3 Australians and a Germany lady.

After putting our bike gear on we set off at 11.00. The day was mainly spent riding on dirt roads with some difficult and challenging sections. In some parts of Thailand there is a fine dust, almost the consistency of talcum powder, its slippery and can soon have you off.

There were a few river crossings along the way as well as some wooden bridges with planks that looked well past their sell by date. Some of the bridges had gaps in the planks that would swallow the front wheel and bring you to a sudden stop, well the bike would stop, you wouldn’t!

A great day.

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