Last bike trip before South America

In 6 weeks the bike is being shipped to Chile so a quick trip to France is my last chance for a few miles under the belt and get myself more bike fit.

Rob stayed with me last night so we could be away at a reasonable hour to catch the 12.55pm ferry from Dover. 

The journey south was as boring as ever, thankfully we managed to miss most of the rain. The very slow service at the Saffron Waldron services put us behind schedule, which made the last few miles a bit of a rush.

We made Dover in time to catch the 12.55pm ferry when we arrived Alastair was already in the queue waiting to be waved on board.

The GPS was set to avoid toll roads this makes for a slow ride which is usually more interesting.

Camping tonight at the Municipal site in Perrone, cheap at 8 Euros for the night and a 10 minute walk into town for a beer and dinner.

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