A very remote location

Friday 30 November 2018 Ushuaia, Argentina to Lago Blanco, Chile – 192 miles

No riding yesterday, a chance to recover from the celebrations at Ushuaia.

We rode a lot of dirt roads today, in a wilderness, the only evidence of mans activity was the road we were on. Much of the road was smooth allowing me to ride at he UK national speed for long stretches. It was a good day until the rear wheel locked, thankfully at low speed. Stuck in the rear brake caliper was a rear wheel spoke!

I discovered I had lost two spokes from the rear wheel and 40% of the spokes in the rear and front wheels were loose. Scary!

Our accommodation was miles from anywhere with no internet of mobile phone signal. The heating was a log burner and the generator was switched off at 11.00, no power again until the morning.

With no light pollution there were glorious views of the night sky.

The final section of track to our nights accommodation 

Lamb for dinner

You only need one axe for both wood and lamb chopping 

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