Goodbye South America

Before I start a blog for my next adventure I thought I should conclude my thoughts on Patagonia.

So was it a good trip? Yes it was a fantastic adventure, South American is a great place to explore. In places the scenery is stunning, the sheer size of the place and vast areas of wildness is often overpowering.

In my short time there I only really scratched the surface of what is Patagonia, let alone the rest of the Continent. There are so many individual countries to explore .

The people were welcoming, their food was very easy to get on with and their wines are some of the best in the world.

There are vast areas of the world I want to travel, Further trips to South America to explore more of what it has to offer is high on my list.

So here’s to the next visit, sooner rather than later if I have my way.

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