Medical Emergence

2 May 2022

I awoke to hear the news that the ferry was going to arrive into Santander 3 hours late, it would now arrive at 5.00pm. A few hours extra to relax on the boat, no great problem to me. The ferry was delayed by a medical emergency that resulted in someone being airlifted from the ferry at 6.30am this morning, they were probable having a bad day, much worse than my 3 hour delay.

I had a walk on deck and was dismayed to see the pollution coming from the funnels of the boat, shocking, disappointing and unacceptable. Brittany Ferries, you need to address this.

No camping tonight, docking at 5.00pm, I was unlikely to be away from the docks before 6.00pm. A hotel was booked at the beautiful medieval town of Santillana.

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