Early start today

8 May 2022

The weather forecast was high 20’s today, I set off to find some more of the TET before it became too warm. The first few tracks were a little challenging on a heavily ladened bike, with some care I was able to navigate them. As the morning wore on the tracks became more difficult and I retraced my steps rather than risk damage.

I have come to the conclusion that the TET in the mountains of Northern Spain needs to be treated with respect. Many of the tracks, not all though, I would tackle with my dirt bike, many I won’t tackle with a ladened adventure bike, albeit on this journey a small adventure bike. Tomorrow I am heading to Bragance in Portugul to try the Adventure Country Tracks (ACT), I understand this is better suited to loaded adventure bikes.

Camped at Allariz tonight, fabulous warm sunshine, perfect for camping.

Whats hidden in the long grass?
The photo doesn’t show how steep this section was
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