Flying into Kathmandu

Nepal, a culture shock?

29 November 2022

This is going to be culture shock. I have ridden a bike in Asia before so I am comfortable with the thought and its very easy to remember the one and only rule of the road, which is, “there are no rules”. What I expect is that Kathmandu will be on a different level, lots of traffic and a free for all with bikes, cars and lorries coming at you from all angles. I don’t expect there to be any aggression, just a heavy flow of traffic with no apparent order that we Europeans expect and perhaps need.

The flight was easy enough, just under 7 hours from Heathrow to Dubai, a 2 hour layover and just under 4 hours to Kathmandu.

Ready for the off
Ready for the off

The differences between the airports, Heathrow and Dubai with that at Kathmandu was as expect, a contrast that’s world apart, the wealth and affluence of Dubai compared to the poverty in Nepal.

The hotel collected me from the airport, sat in the back of the 4×4 I was suddenly immersed into the lack of order I expected. What scared me the most was the pedestrians, they just swarm across the road, cars, motorcycles and bikes weaving through them with no fuss or aggression, just ordered chaos.

I arrived at the calm and order of the Baber Mahal Vila’s Hotel, a hotel and shopping complex converted from the home of a former ruler of Nepal. The staff were very polite and attentive, a very nice place to relax after the journey.

Dinner in one of the hotel restaurants gave me a taste on the spices and food that I am sure I will enjoy during my motorcycle trip through Nepal. I was also treated to a show by traditional dancers.

Baber Mahal Vila’s Hotel
Dinner at one of the hotel restaurants

Tomorrow I expect my senses to be bombarded by the Nepalese people and there capital city.

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