Rio Grande and the Falklands war, heading to Ushuaia

Wednesday 15 March 2023 – 415Km

Today I am heading to Ushuaia the most Southerly city in the world. The journey takes me through the town of Rio Grande, a town that has a large memorial to the Argentinian forces personnel that died in the Falklands war. The last time I came to this town was in 2018 and was I very uncomfortable riding into the town with a GB number plate on my Bike. This time I am riding a Chilean registered bike so I should be less uncomfortable, but I’m not, it doesn’t seem the right place for a British citizen to be. The memorial is big and includes plaques to honour the dead, a plane, a tank and a some artillery, there may be other things but I didn’t want to hang around so I left without exploring all the memorial. People died in the conflict, many more Argentinians than British armed forces, either way the fate of these young people, from both sides, was decided when Argentinian President Leopoldo Galtieri invaded the Falklands and Margaret Thatcher the UK PM declared war and took back the islands. Such a waste of young lives and a devastating effect on their families and friends.

The Argentinian Falklands war memorial at Rio Grande

Much of the journey to Ushuaia was through a similar desert type landscape that I rode through yesterday, lots of Guanacos, it made me smile how quickly they raised their long necks to check out what the noise was as the Triumph Tiger approached. The odd one was intent on suicide, thankfully I managed to avoid the kamikaze members of the herd.

The 14Km stretch of road between the Chilean and Argentinian border is now tarmac, the last time I was here it was gravel, the gravel roads in Argentina and Chile are gradually receiving a layer of tarmac, I am pleased that I have been able to ride the gravel roads before they all get a tarmac surface.

The Martial mountains rise in front of us as we approach Ushuaia, as we start to climb I can see a fresh covering of snow on the tops of the mountains, the last time I was here late in 2018 I don’t remember any snow on the mountains. Winter is on its way and from what I understand the weather forecast is for more snow over the next few days.

To cross the Martial Mountains Ruta 3 takes me over the Garibaldi Pass, at the top I stoped at a viewing platform that looks across Lake Escondido.

Lake Escondido at the Garibaldi Pass

Arriving in Ushuaia was a exciting moment, my second time in the worlds Southern most city. The ride into the town is not very inspiring as you ride through an industrial area that looks untidy, thankfully the town, the port and shopping area with lots of restaurants is more inviting.

Fresh snow on the mountains overlooking Ushuaia

Looking over the Port and out to sea at Ushuaia

Tomorrow a ride to Tierra del Fuego National Park, the end of Ruta 3 and Fin del Mundo (end of the world)

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