20 September 2021, Santander to La Hermida 111 miles

Route from from Santander to the hotel at La Hermida


Hotel Balneario, La Hermida

The ferry arrived at Santander spot on time at 14.00 hours. My bike was on the very lowest vehicle deck, it was approaching 15.00 hours by the time they had unloaded the vehicles above me and let me leave the boat

Before I was allowed to leave the ferry my temperature was taken, if I had a temperature above 37.5 degrees Centigrade I would be given a red sticker, thankfully I have no idea what would have happen if I had been given a sticker. At passport control they stamped my passport to show the entrance date that I entered Spain, another post Brexit consequence I hadn’t expected.

The rain started as I queued to show my passport and remained a torrential downpour for the entire journey to the Hotel Balneario, La Hermida. The rain, the huge amount of roundabout and the constant fear of diesel made for a very interesting ride out of Santander. Unfortunately the heavy rain also obscured the scenery from the mountain roads between the port and the hotel.

Never mind, the hotel was a warm comfortable place to dry out and enjoy dinner.

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