Refreshed and ready to go

7 May 2022

After a days rest at Mino I decided to head to Cape Finisterre, which is reportable the most Western point in mainland Europe, or so they say. As with all these things there is often a debate which is the “most” of anything. When I arrived there were only a few people around, that soon changed as the tourists buses arrived. One of the tourists was a Mexican who was very interested in the bike and had ridden to some of the places I have visited. We had a long talk about the Dalton Highway and the oil town of Dead Horse.

Only did a small amount of tracks today, there was a well maintained track that led to some wind turbines so I took a chance and rode it for a while.

Found a really good campsite, just South of Muros, wonderful views over the beach and the bay.

A well maintained wind generator access track
The campsite

The view from the campsite

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