The boarding pass is not for this flight!

28 February 2023

The train and tube to Heathrow was uneventful, as was the flight to Madrid, at this point things started to get interesting.

I had one and half hours to get to the gate for my flight to Santiago in Chile, a gentle walk down to the gate and join the queue at lane 4. This meant I was one of the last people to be called forward to board, the next words I heard were “this boarding pass is not for this flight” less than 25 minutes to departure, so where does my flight go from, I asked, all I got was a shrug of the shoulders. I ran the full length of the terminal, several hundred meters, to find a flight board. Only one flight to Santiago this evening, the one they wouldn’t let be board. I ran the several hundred meters back to the gate, 10 minutes to departure, the same gate attendant said yes you are on this flight and handed my boarding pass to a colleague who printed me a new one, I asked for confirmation that my check in baggage was on board and ran down the boarding bridge. The plane door shut behind me and we set off. That was interesting!

I had seen a small dog being led around Madrid airport, to my surprise and amazement I was sat next to the woman with the dog. We have dogs at home and I am a dog lover, I am not sure everyone would be happy sat next to a woman with a dog for 13 hours.

I hope my arrival in Santiago is less eventful.

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