Was my arrival in Chile less eventful?

1 March 2023

Well, no is the answer The plane arrived at Santiago pretty much on time, despite this It quickly became evident that I was not going to catch my next internal flight to Puerto Montt. Getting through passport control took an eternity, despite people letting me go in front of them once I explained I had another flight to catch.

After queuing at Latam airline desk for a long time I was allocated a seat on the 18.55 flight to Puerto Montt. A 9 hour wait in an airport terminal is no fun, my consolation is that at least the flight is today.

I arrived in Puerto Montt around 20.30 and went to the carousel and waited while everyone else on the flight took their bags and headed out of the baggage hall. A nervous wait for my bag followed, it eventually arrived, the last bag unloaded from the plane.

The taxi driver was waiting to take me to Sonesta Hotel in Osorno, after a drive of 1.5 hours and such an exhausting and long journey I was ready for a beer.

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