Fin del Mundo, the end of the world

The end of Ruta 3, literally the end of the road, there is no road South of this place, anywhere on the planet. As I stand looking South across the vast expanse of the Southern Ocean (also called the Antarctic Ocean) I can imagine the white ice and snow of Antartica, the next place you would arrive at if I headed South.

The end of Ruta 3, there are no more roads South of this point

We are a foreign group and need an Argentinian guide to enter Tierra del Fuego National Park, it seems to me this is a way to provide some income to locals, I can’t see any other benefit, after all we are riding a bike on the only road into the park so we are unlikely to get lost. We all followed the guide driving his 4×4 vehicle to the park entrance, our entrance fee is paid and we drive to the sign pictured at the top of this post. It rained heavily in the night and further rain is overcast this morning, the gravel track in the park is wet and looks slippery so I am cautious, particulate on the bends and steep inclines.

The gravel road in the park was wet and slippery

Once I reach the end of the road I reflect upon the fact that I have ridden a motorcycle to the top of the America’s, a place called Dead Horse at Prudhoe Bay on the Artic Ocean and to Fin del Mundo which is at the very bottom of the America’s. I am both pleased and grateful that life has given me the opportunity to achieve these two thing along many other motorcycle travels.

I wander around the wooden walkway and take some photos overlooking the Beagle Channel before riding the gravel road back into Ushuaia.

Looking out to the Beagle Channel

Tomorrow we head North with one last night in Argentina before heading back into Chile.

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