Collecting the bikes, patience!

Wednesday 20 June 2024

Last night was the first one in Canada. A couple of pints of cider and a dozen oysters to celebrate, very nice!.

My tracker told me the bike had arrived in Halifax last evening, that was good news, I could pick it up a day early. I booked the same cab that took us all into Halifax from the airport yesterday evening, Asrar called to say he would be 10 minutes late so we set off for the airport at 10.15am.

First stop was the Air Canada warehouse, the paperwork we had brought from England was stamped and more was added. A 10minute walk to customs at the airport with the wedge of papers. First question, “can you show me a booking for returning the bike to the UK”. Sorry “I haven’t booked a return date yet”. I was greeted with a stare and the response “I need some evidence” An email from the UK shipping company confirming the 3 weeks notice they needed to arrange the bike return shipping was shown, the stare softened and the paperwork was processed. Back to AirCanada, more stamping and a charge of $316 dollars was followed by someone from the warehouse inviting us to unpack our bikes.

The cardboard cases showed no damage so I unpacked the bike with aid of a warehouse worker and a powered screwdriver. The bike was manhandled off the pallet, everything checked and packed, off I go. Well not quite the bike wouldn’t start. Luckily I had some jump leads so with the aid of my travelling companions we were soon on the way to Halifax. Arrived back at the accommodation in Halifax around 2.00pm,

Friday we venture North into Nova Scotia

Uncrated and ready to go, apart from a flat battery

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