Looking forwards to a day of the bike, doing laundry and resting

Tuesday 2 July to Wednesday 3 July 2024, 221 miles

Tuesday 2 July 2024, Phil, one of the friends I am travelling with met Pascal as he sailed with his bike around the Darien Gap. They kept in touch and we have been invited to spend 2 nights with him at his home in Saguenay. His partner and 2 children are away, so sadly we won’t meet them, the dog Enzo was there, he made me realise how much I am missing home, my wife, my family and friends, also my dogs.

We decided to take a look at the the town of Baie Comeau on the way to Pascal’s, a vision of breakfast at a waterfront cafe was not be realise, there doesn’t appear to be a waterfront in the town and it was difficult to find a cafe. When we did find one the breakfast of yoghurt and fruit was worth the search, during the search for the cafe I stopped the bike and wouldn’t ’t restart, flat battery, it looks like I have a duff battery. The bike is booked in for a service in Calgary, I wander if the battery will get me there.

We reach Pascal’s and were welcomed by cold beer and the offer of a washing machine, both very welcome.

Wednesday 3 July 2024, after a relaxing day talking about our adventures we took Pascal out for dinner at a micro brewery. We discussed that family and friends ask about your travels and agreed that their span of attention is generally 20 minutes, that’s not a criticism or complaint, if you haven’t done a big overland adventure how can you even begin to comprehend the challenges and it holds and why you keep wanting to do more. Tomorrow we start the long ride west, 2300 miles across Canada, including a ride across the Prairie States of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.

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