Time for a rest

Sunday 14 July to Monday 15 July 2024, NO MILES

I need time to recuperate, the ride across Canada has been full of interesting things and people, a really good ride, nevertheless I am exhausted and really looking forward to sometime off the bike. The apartment I booked in downtown Calgary fitted the bill nicely, close to a supermarket, bars and restaurants. Al stopped on the bed settee in the apartment on Saturday night and then set off on his bike to do his own thing until Tuesday when I am meeting him in Banff. Phil was also stopping in the same apartments after picking his wife up, she flew into Canada last Friday. A chance for the 5 us to have an enjoyable dinner on Saturday evening.

Black Squirrel in Calgary

Sunday 14 July, Calgary stampede is on at the moment, it finishes on Sunday 14 July, the city is full of cowboys and cowgirls all having fun, a good humoured atmosphere everywhere I go. I wanted to watch the England game, not that I am an avid football fan nowadays, rugby is more interesting as far as I am concerned. Anyway I found a bar, watched the game and shared the disappointment of everyone at home. After the game I decided to try and book a ticket for the stampede without success, never mind a pint of cider and early to bed is probably a lot better for me.

Monday 15 July 2024, I have run alongside the river this morning and then spend the morning catching up with world, emails and updating my blog. I followed this with a walk around the city, China Town, Calgary Tower amongst other things. Tomorrow I head West to Banff after getting the bike serviced at Barnes Powersports, a motorcycle dealership that has a BMW franchise amongst other manufacturers.

The view from my run along the river in Calgary.

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