What track!

Phrao to Doi Chang (89 miles)

Phrao to Doi Chang

After leaving Phrao yesterday morning the first dirt road section was in a bamboo forest. The track was barely visible in the undergrowth, in many places the bamboo hung so low over the track that it was difficult to duck low enough to get underneath. Twice the peak on my helmet pushed the kill switch, stopping the bike dead, leaving me laid over the tank and bars trying to find a footing.

One of the water crossing was interesting, a steep bank down into the water, before the rear wheel was down in the water a ninety degree turn  to go up a steep slippery bank to exit.



No chance that you will meet a car on this  road!

After lunch we backtracked on a dirt road we had used the day before, the uphill section went on forever, it was deeply rutted and in sections relatively fast.

On the way down I exited a fairly fast left hand corner, the front wheel lost traction to the left, which is the opposite way I could have expected, dumping me firmly on the baked earth.

This result, a soar left shoulder and leg along with my dented pride. No abrasions so the armour did the job, more about this in the review I will be doing for Sports Bike Shop.


My pride was still intact at this point

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