Not even fallen trees will stop us!

Today we did 95 miles.

Doi Chang to Pai 

We set off from The Good View Resort in Doi Chang for another great of dirt riding in in a wilderness, its fantastic to ride for miles without seeing any other vehicles.

Ready for another day’s riding Northern Thailand 

Not long after we set off we came across an electric pole that had fallen across the track, no sparks were coming from the cable so I crossed it to find a tree blocking the road.

With a little effort a large enough gap was made for bikes through so on we went.

Fallen tree dealt with, we were on our way 

I was really enjoying the ride when I rounded a corner to find Ash laying on the floor after a big fall. He wasn’t sure what happened, although by the looks of it he lost traction to the front wheel and was dumped unceremoniously in the dirt. He had managed to leave a black tyre skid mark on the damp earth, which is impressive.

At the same time Don, the guide rider, punctured a rear tyre, I am pretty sure Ash was please of the extra recovery time whilst it was repaired.

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