MotoCamp Bulgaria

It was a short ride from our hotel to the Bulgarian border, we were delayed for a short while in the no mans land between Romania and Bulgaria while an army unit passed through, interestingly the army unit looked to be American. The Bulgarian border guard had a cursory look at my passport before I gained entry to a new country.
We travel onwards to MotoCamp, see the link below
I first read about this place in one of the motorcycle adventure books written by Graham Field, its definitely worth a visit and to relax in the company of fellow travellers. Interesting. an English man who now lives in the Bulgarian village that that MotoCamp is situated, joined us for a drink, I immediately recognised him as Martin who I met in 1n 2012 in Greece when i was returning from a trip to Eastern Turkey. At that time he was at the end of a round the world trip. It really is a small world
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