
It’s less than 100miles from Sibiu to Bran, Romania, this allowed us to arrive earlier this afternoon find some excellent accommodation and visit the castle. The castle is well kept and is linked with the Irish writer Bram Stoker and his Dracular novel. The name Dracula comes from the surnames of Vlad the Impaler’s father, the Dracul, he ruled this area in the fourteen hundreds. The truth or otherwise about the link between the castle and Bram Stoker novel is disputed, you decide for yourself, regardless its a worthwhile visit even with the crowds of people and the souvenir stalls that have increased significantly since I was here in 2008.

The journey here was on busy roads with quick flowing traffic until we reached Brasov, in the miles of roadworks our progress slowed, thankfully the weather had cooled and remained dry. Why car drivers see the need to overtake 50m before the queuing traffic and then force you into the gutter is beyond me. I soon wised up and blocked their approach with road position, keeping my speed up and filtering to the front in the gaps between the lights changing.
On the way here Alastair lost the end of his gear change lever, we mentioned this to Marius the son of the lady at our accommodation Pensiunea Hermes, out came the tools and within the hour a new one was made, probable better than the BMW original. I presumed Marius was an engineer, he is in fact a lawyer. Great job Marius.
The accommodation was fabulous at at £13.40 per night, I am not getting the tent out of the panniers based on that price.

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