
Set off this morning to ride the Transfagarasan highway. Some of you will remember Top Gear taking super cars along this road. I particularly remember the helicopter pilot who seemed to fly incredibly low over the road.
The last time I rode this road was in 2008, on this occasion I followed a snow plough to the tunnel at the summit only to find entry to the tunnel was prevented by large steel doors that had been welded shut. We man handled two bikes into the tunnel through a wicket door formed into the main doors, our progress was quickly halted by a wall of snow at the far end of the tunnel The trip back down the Transfagarasan following the same snow plough was interesting.
Today we encountered very heavy rain as well hail and snow as we approach the summit, the tunnel was open so we went through to find slushy and lying snow on the far side. I have still not been down the South side of the mountain.
On both occasions I approached the road from the North and despite the weather it is a fabulous road and worth the effort to ride it.

Tomorrow we leave Sibiu and head to Brasov, home of Count Dracula’s Castle.
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