A biblical scene

On the hillside opposite the hotel we stayed in last night there was a Shepherd who spends his day tending his flock, this is a scene repeated all over Romania, mainly sheep, although sometimes cattle. What I find so ironic is that the Shepherd in these biblical scenes can often be seen using the most common piece of modern equipment, a mobile phone.

We left Zalua and headed to Sibiu, both towns are in Romania, the weather was hot and sunny. The roads were generally well surfaced with a variety of scenery to keep your interest. Once we got off the main roads we were rewarded with some stunning scenery which we payed for with deteriorating road conditions. I was last in Romania in 2008 and much has changed, particularly in the towns although many of the rural areas still look as poor as they did back them. In 2008 the driving standards were appalling, they have now improved to very bad. Alastair and I were the only two people in the whole country prepared to drive at 50kph in build up areas, on occasions we had to compromise, feeling the heat from an HGV’s headlights on your back encourages you to go a little faster

We found some rooms in the centre of Sibiu with a courtyard to keep the bikes in, great value at £17.40 each per night.

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