Menin Gate

Chichester to Ypres, I first came here last year, amazing to see 54000 plus names carved into the stone and then to find out these were the ones that have known grave, I presume this means no body was found. The road is closed every night of the year and the last post is played at 8.00pm, very sobering. Its definitely worth a visit if you are in these parts.
There is a good campsite at Ypres with clean facilities, hot showers are included in the price, 14 euros, 2 people and 2 tents.
I took the coast road from Chichester to Dover which in parts is very congested, still better than going back up to the M25 and then down the M20. The road from Calais to Ypres is flat with a mixture of motorways and fast A roads, just what was needed to get to the campsite have a run and then some beer.
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