A challenging day

Wednesday 21 November 2018 – 323 miles

The feature image is our dinner cooking at the estancia


Today’s weather was the worst combination of the previous two days, torrential rain and temperatures as low as 3 degrees. One of the most challenging day’s I have spent on a motorcycle.

The rain made some of the dirt sections very slippery, great care was needed to keep the bike upright.

To cap it all in the last 10 miles it snowed.

Tonights accommodation was at an estancia that was miles from anywhere. The sleeping accommodation I shared with Alastair and Rob had a wood burner. Before we retired for the night we stocked up with wood so we could keep the fire alight all night. We had a cosy nights sleep and all our motorcycle gear was dry by the morning.

Dinner at the estancia was food that had been produced on the farm. A good end to a challenging day.

Rob broke his bike

Sunset at the estancia 

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