Fin del Mundo

Wednesday 28 November 2018 Kaiken to Ushuaia, Argentina – miles

So I have arrived “Fin del Mundo”, the end of the world. To be more accurate this is the most southerly place that you ride a motorcycle to. This is literally, the end of the road.

We rode the last few miles as a group. This must have been an emotional experience for those in the group that have ridden the length of the Americas.

The poor lady warden got very upset that such a large group of motorcycles had arrived. She decided she needed support and called the Police. Three Police cars arrive with blue lights flashing and sirens sounding. I am pretty sure they were expecting to arrive and find a full blown riot underway.

The armed Police looked confused, decided a riot was taking place and were persuaded to join us all and pose for a photograph.

Staff atTierra del Fuego National Park entrance 

Riding to Ushuaia

The beer pumps were a car manifold

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