15 February 2019, Return trip to Greymouth via Westport – 158 miles

I decided to spend a second night in Greymouth and do a circular route, going inland to the North and returning South along the coast.

Inland roads heading to Westport

The inland roads were quiet with very little traffic. As a result I was able to take my time and look around at the ever changing scenery.

The West Coast returning back to Greymouth

As I expected the coastal road was much busier, with scores of camper vans. By now I was used to the fact that their drivers had little awareness of the other traffic around them.

My plan was to be back in the early evening for a tour of Monteith’s brewery.

Beer tasting at Monteith’s brewery

It doen’t get much better, a warm dry day on a bike in New Zealand followed by beer tasting at a brewery.

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