What track!

Phrao to Doi Chang (89 miles) Phrao to Doi Chang After leaving Phrao yesterday morning the first dirt road section was in a bamboo forest. The track was barely visible in the undergrowth, in many places the bamboo hung so low over the track that it was difficult to duck low enough to get underneath. Twice […]

A challenge

Phrao to Doi Chang (82 miles) Phrao to Doi Chang Only 82 miles! Most of todays ride was on unpaved roads some of which were very challenging, I was riding on anything from boulders to a fine dust that at some points felt as slippery as a wet clay surface back in England. Some of the […]

First Day

Chiang Mai to Phrao (103 miles) This is most of todays route, I forgot to turn the tracker on until I had done a few miles so its not the entire days riding. Wolf’s, who owns and runs Thai Enduro tours, arranged for his wife to pick me up at the hotel in Chiang Mai. I […]


Heading off to Chiang Mai in Thailand today. I will be joining Thai Enduro tours for some off-roading in the North of of the country, lots of mountains to explore! I did a similar trip last year so I am looking forwards to having an exciting and challenging time on the bike and in particular […]

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