Last day

Pai to Chaing Mai (15th February 2018) Back at Thai Enduro’s baseĀ  A few to many beers listening to the live music at Mojos bar last night has left us all a little jaded this morning. We set off at a slower pace than we had done on previous day’s. The fine dust on some […]

A biblical scene

On the hillside opposite the hotel we stayed in last night there was a Shepherd who spends his day tending his flock, this is a scene repeated all over Romania, mainly sheep, although sometimes cattle. What I find so ironic is that the Shepherd in these biblical scenes can often be seen using the most […]

First post

Here we go. My first post about motorcycle travel and my next trip which starts on Sunday 2 July 2017. Where to? Not entirely sure, that’s the benefits of not having to cram an adventure into a 2 week break. Heading East is the general plan, watch the weather forecast and see were it takes […]

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